
This website is a home: a collection of life fragments and memories stored in the digital space. It's a reflection of who I am and what I do online, and is my virtual footprint and legacy: a memoir and reservoir for my future self that I decided to share to you, dear fleeting traveller.

This website itself serves no purpose to an audience.
It is a selfish act of taking space.
The works in this website, however, is a
hopeful love letter to whoever finds it.

I hope my art can bring you some sort of comfort and solace as you
embark on your own journey in life. You can bring a piece along with you when you go, and with that I would have fulfilled my purpose.

Who is software gf?

Softwaregf is the pseudonym of my current online persona. She only exists in the internet, and is an extension of a sub-reality in the digital space.

You can call me Ree.

I'm the resident owner and yapper in this place.
I'm a comfort creator, experimentalist, web artist, interactive
storyteller, aspiring developer, gamer, and existential romanticist.
I love to create stuff and make people feel things.

I'm an amalgamation of everything I love and fancy. I was once an aspiring manga-ka, a computer info student (now graduate), a webtoon artist, a full-time streamer, a reformed creator, and now I'm ready to discover and embark on a new journey in the intersection between art, code, and poetry.

I exist to create, and I create to exist.
I dream of turning my existence into a love letter to the universe.